Thursday, 30 June 2011

mr fussy - bump

I was knicknamed Mr Bump after an operation I had on my head as a child left me bandaged like the character, and a lady I work with falls me Mr Fussy - quite why shes never said.

Therefore, I give you Mr Fussy Bump.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

My Band

Fallen Child

I provide the music. I write so much the guys cant keep up.
I think they think that we don't need anymore, its all about going out and selling it now.

Weve documented the soundtrack of our youths and I am proud of all those songs.

you can find fallen child on the usual social networking sites -

or search for Fallen Child on facebook

The Voice in my Head

We've all got this inner voice inside of us.  Some of us ignore it, others can't turn it off! I dwell in the latter category. Very rarely can I turn it off. My sketches and music that will appear here over the months to follow won't be complicated or particularly flashy like above, but they all come from my soul.

Before I descovered my creativity Id try and silence it in other ways. Id drink, Id smoke, I nabbled in narcotics. When I was younger Id comfort eat.

Ive set up this site to allow me to share my art with the world, to get it out of my system, and to keep that voice at bay!
It is my hope that some of you will connect to it, and it will hopefully help you in the same way it helps me.